This style of conscious breathwork is a gentle, safe, and extremely powerful breathing process that facilitates healing and transformation of the body, mind, and spirit. This particular breath technique can help release stored stress/trauma from the cells of the body and transform limiting thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It offers a way to well-being that is unique for each individual, guiding one inwards in order to access and transform whatever is ready to be witnessed and released. Breathwork enables us to let go of old patterns and behaviors and that keep repeating themselves and are not serving our highest good. It provides access to the subconscious mind and emotional body while simultaneously offering the opportunity to let-go and let-in. As we open our hearts with breath, we expand our capacity to love and make space for new, healthy experiences. We can improve the quality of our lives by consciously breathing, as this affects the intimate relationships we have and all the lives we touch. Since the world we see outside of ourselves is a reflection of our internal environment, one of the most important things we can do for the world is honor our own healing and process.

Conscious Breathing: Three Pillars
While consciously stimulating our sympathetic nervous system with a connected breath, we simultaneously relax and invite a connection to earth and our internal and external resources. This combination helps to create a safe and supportive environment for old, incomplete experiences to rise, be witnessed by our own love and then be integrated in a healthy way. Using various somatic techniques we maintain a steady connection to ground during the breath journey, which also encourages our parasympathetic nervous systems to unwind and truly relax as it trusts this support. This allows a deeper sense of ease, balance, and rest to return to our bodies & minds. When it comes to healing, there is a power in gentleness that cannot be attained through intensity. Working within our window of tolerance and feeling resourced, is vitally important to create healthy lasting change.
A connected breath nurtures the experience of connection in the larger picture of our lives - intimacy with ourselves, with our loved ones, and with the natural world. As we let go of pauses, and let our breath flow in and out without the need to control it - we embrace what is. We let our bodies, minds and spirits know that it is safe to feel in this present moment, that there is nothing to change and everything to love.
Full Body Breath.
An open mouth breath that begins in our root and grounds us into our bodies - affirming our right to BE here. As we get to know this way of breathing, we allow our attention and breath to rise and expand throughout our whole body. We become curious around the places in our body that are open to receiving breath and those that are not. It is an exploration of self, full of information, as our breath reveals tension patterns in the body and areas that may be holding onto something. A common area where this takes place is around the heart. Connecting our breath there, brings attention to this dynamic energy center - a vital part of our being that feels connection, longing, ache, love, grief, vulnerability, and gratitude. Breathing into our hearts, letting in and letting go, literally creates more flexibility and openness in our thoracic muscles. This is the practice of physically opening and energetically expanding our ability to experience a deeper sense of connection in our lives.
“Kylie is an amazing soul and I am so lucky to have met her. She has a wonderful presence, and I thank her for sharing her gift with the world. Kylie’s breathwork sessions are a unique experience every time and I continue to learn so much about myself through the gift of breath. I certainly hope that I do not have to wait another 3 years between sessions! I hope to one day breathe with you in Costa Rica Kylie, but will for sure breathe with you again in the Shuswap !
- Karyn Legg
“Kylie eased us into a safe and beautifully supported space. I was able to release some deep tears, hold my child self in a nurturing embrace and receive clear insights around my purpose and place in this time. I’m so grateful for this truly healing and held experience.
- Kristina Marie