
What does it mean to be well?

It has been a 20+ year-long road of me asking this question and what I have come to understand is that it means continually growing in awareness and consciously caring for ALL the parts of ourselves as we shift and change. Learning once again, to trust our “gut instinct” and listen to the cues of our body and breath, as they guide us back into healthy connection with our authentic selves.

How do we do this?

We believe that we have many layers to our “being” that require regular tending and care; in order for us to be able to flow with the mystery of life in a healthy way. The tools that we have found most helpful are what we practice, share in our offerings and encourage everyone we work with, to integrate into their lives in a meaningful way. 

Some of the modalities below we may not offer ourselves but we deeply believe in the values of collaboration and community. We have had the honour of getting to know remarkable practitioners over the years that we are happy refer you to. Working together as a team to best support you on your journey of BEING WELL. 




Seven pillars to guide you on the journey.

  • Food + Herbal Support

    Quality Food and herbal support as needed: Eating local, pesticide-free food whenever possible; and utilizing various adaptogenic herbs and supplements to help bring the body back into a state of ease. This way we also get to support local farmers and herbalists in our area so it is a win-win!

  • Grounding.

    Grounding: Making regular times to slow down, ground into the earth and connect with nature is vital - this is especially important for empaths and highly sensitive people. There are several other additional supports like earthing products, and wearable EMF protection that can also be used to help sensitive systems find rest. Suggestions can be made on an individual basis depending on what your system requires.

  • Detox + Self-Care

    Energetic/Physical Detox and Self-Care: Caring for our energetic systems and physical bodies with self-care modalities like Reiki, massage and acupuncture are essential for detoxification and renewal. Additional detox practices such as oil pulling, dry brushing and Far-Infrared saunas combined with appropriate binding supplements are essential for keeping detox pathways open. Every human is different and some of us need a little extra support in this way so that we can optimize our health and vitality.

  • Somatics + Emotional Release

    What we share here at Breath and Being has been greatly influenced by the work of:

    * Gabor Mate in the field of Trauma Awareness,

    *Alexander Lowen and Wilhelm Reich in the realm of Bio-Energetics

    *Dr. David Berceli and his research and Implementation of TRE

    *Ron Kurtz - creator of the Hakomi Method

    These individuals have pioneered work in the field of somatics and trauma-informed therapy and we are so grateful for all of their contributions in our personal lives, we utilize practices like shaking, TRE, and emotional release because of their effectiveness for releasing stored charge in the body and their ability to help regulate the nervous system. These and other body-based tools are intentionally woven into our breath journeys, as well as recommended as a part of regular self-care.

  • Conscious Movement

    Conscious Movement: Emotion is energy in motion so the more that we can move our bodies with awareness, we are able to let go of what has been stuck/stored deep in our tissues and cells and make more space for what we want to invite in! The best part about these practices is that they can be really fun and often include curated music to support coming into deeper connection and release. This can look like walking, yoga, dance, running or lifting weights - it’s all about the intention and finding what works best for you !

  • Sound

    Sound: Everything around us, including ourselves is energy and vibration. Sometimes when we don’t know what to “do” next to support ourselves, sound is a great option. It is an incredible medicine because it does the work all on it’s own, it knows where to go in the body without pushing or any effort other than being open to receive. Crystal bowls, conscious soundscapes, gongs, chimes, recorded healing tones and our own voices are just a few options that can have transformative and powerful impacts on health and well-being.

  • Rest + Sleep

    Rest / Sleep: Rest is an essential aspect of healing, recovery and thriving. It can also be tricky when we have got a lot going on or are stuck in a cycle of insomnia. Utilizing specific supplements, conscious sleep-care routines and practices like Yoga Nidra can be very helpful to support the body finding renewal.